Minn kota Electric Trolling Motors

   Discount Marine Parts has a large inventory of parts for most major brands of electric trolling motors, current and obsolete. We also have most parts and service manuals available.

   We will be adding "Model Year Guides", history and other useful information about your Minn kota electric trolling motor as soon as possible. Please excuse our building.

   Please click on "home" at the bottom of page to arrive at our home page. You may contact us if you have questions or need parts for your Minn Kota electric trolling motor.

             Thank you for stopping by and please come back!

Discount Marine Parts
Phone       4524 D Road  •  PO Box 98       Fax
906-466-2180       Bark River, MI 49807       906-466-0217

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Last Modified: 2/16/04